Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why are we breaking ground again?

Hey Everyone!
This is a blog explanation... sit back and just take this story in.

I have been pressing towards God and actually finding Him this year in more amazing ways than I ever have in my whole life! the problem seemed to be that I couldn't quite get to the point where I let that spill into everything else. my family, my agenda, my money, my worries. the last few months have been an exploration of one thing,  HOW DO I LIVE LIKE CHRIST! my deepest desire is to live in the light of what God has done for me. To love well, serve well, work well, live well.
I came home from school feeling like, "Well now it's time to have a career and a family, and be a real person." nope, that is what the world wants for me, not that those aren't good things! The problem with jumping head first into all that at age 21 is that there is more to be done! God wants a HUGE change in me, I know it. I have a distinct feeling that I am not where He wants me to be in order to do those things, not yet at least. I walked around with those feelings for a few months until a friend mentioned "The Experience" in passing. God impressed on me (without knowing anything about the program at all) a sense of purpose regarding "The Experience." I knew (as did other important people in my life) that I should be there, wherever "there" was, from the moment I heard about it!
The Experience is a Kingdom Building Ministries student training program. A physically, emotionally, and spiritually intense discipleship program that involves mentorship, overseas and stateside missions, community living, KBM speakers, and workshops. yeah, that sounds like allot.
Why do I want to be part of that??
What has drawn me into this opportunity is the way KBM focuses specifically on applying everything you learn during The Experience to home, wherever that is for you. I don't need to go overseas to be who God has called me to be, I believe that strongly. I should respond to His grace towards me with obedience exactly where I am! I want to spend a year deep in the throws of God and His plan for me, so that when I resurface, my life will reflect my Father. Because after all, I am His daughter.
So I am asking for your help. I will only be able to experience this year with The Father through your support. Your prayers, your questions (please ask them!) your donations, your time, your love for me... all of it I rejoice in! please prayerfully consider how God may use you to bring about this change in me, I long for it deeply.
To learn more about who KBM is and what they do click on the links as the bottom of this page.
If and when you decide to break ground with me, you can subscribe to my posts on this blog. I will keep all my loyal followers up to date on what God is doing, and where I am in my plans for next summer. This is going to get good!
Thank you for listening, I hope that what I have said will plant a seed in you to not only consider supporting me, but to find your own longing to live as a child of God.


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